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Saturday, August 3, 2013

"We are not your enemy: putting a face on real Iranians!"

"I feel bad when I see that most Americans don't know
 about the real Iran.....

When you think about Iran, what are the first images that come to your mind?
Is is images of a hostile crowd holding up, "death to America" signs? Or is it terrorists who are "hell-bent" on the destruction of Israel and all other western nations? 
Most of our conception and images of Iran are connected with the ongoing "media" coverage of the impending nuclear showdown between Iran and Israel. But is that really who Iran is?
Arezoo Hosseini, a 25 year old Nurse living in the city of Isfahan, laments the fact that most Americans don't know much of anything about the real Iran.
Arezoo is my dear online Facebook friend, that I regularly chat with. Recently when we met online, I informed Arezoo that I'm now doing a live blog talk radio program, speaking out for  the freedom and human rights all of my Iranian friends. When Arezoo heard about this, she became very excited and asked me if I would share with my listening audience who the real Iranians are. I promised her I would do just that and asked her if she would take some time to write a short story putting a face on real Iranians. Within two days, Arezooo sent me her response. As I began to read her short story, I was truly touched by her honesty and kindness. Arezoo made it very clear that she was not speaking for her government, but instead speaking up for all Iranians. Arezoo declared, "We love you Americans. We are not Terrorists!"
 I can honestly testify that Arezoo's declaration that, "Iranians love Americans"
  is absolutely true! I have spent over two years online chatting with Iranians! They are my best friends in the world! They are kind, hospitable and very respectful. They are not at all like the "hate crowd" that is portrayed by the ratings driven media. The real Iranian is a person who loves my country. They are desperate for the hope and freedom that is offered by America. The media is guilty of focusing on the nuclear showdown between Iran and Israel and ignores the desperate plight of the average Iranian living under the fear and oppression of a government who daily controls their lives.
Iranians are dear to my heart. I chat with them, pray with them and sometimes even cry with them.
These are real people with real hurts, frustrations and needs just like you and me. They want to be recognized for who they really are. 
The best way to put a face on the real Iranian is to let Arezoo tell you herself. The following short story is plea from the heart of Arezoo for us to get to know the real Iran:

"I feel bad when I see that most Americans don't know about the real Iran.
 They don't even know where Iran is located!
They don't even know that Iranians are the old Persians.
I'm not talking for my government. I am speaking for my people.
We love you Americans! We love all of the people living on this planet!
We are not your enemy! We are not terrorists!
We are the people who love humanity and fight for freedom.
We are not Arabs. We have our own history.
We are the great "children of Cyrus" who freed the slaves more than 2500 years ago and wrote the first charter of "human rights" for the nations of the world (The Cyrus Cylinder)
If you like poetry, Iran will be the best choice for you!
Here is the land of two great poets, Hafez and Khayam.
If you like history, Iran will be exciting for you. You can visit places that have existed for more than 7000 years.
I am sure that you will love Iranians. We are a people of great honesty and hospitality.

Arezoo's short little story touches me deeply. She wants to put a face on who Iranians really are and destroy the common stereotypes that are created by the media.
On my next blog talk radio program, I intend to read her story and be her voice!
I hope very soon one day that Americans will get to know the real Iranians.
They deserve our love and respect and most of all our prayers!


Anonymous said...

Soon to be translated into 6 foreign languages. "We the American People Are Not Your Enemy."
Shoot one, use my words, post as video response on the Smithfix Channel and I will make a montage of faces in echo!
Thanks, Chuck (Smithfix) Smith

Anonymous said...

Iranians don't have any problem with any other nations. It's the regime that has declared war against the world. Having said that the Iranian regime's flag (showing on these photos) do not represent Iranians either.

Anonymous said...

declared war against united states policies.

Unknown said...

I have had many Iranian friends throughout the year. They are very kind, thoughtful and generous. They like to thrive in USA and raise their families

Anonymous said...

It's all just like in George Orwells 1984. The common people all live the same. It's the "leaders" that want the wars...

Unknown said...

The people that want wars are the ones making money on them. Too bad the rest of the world cant even touch them its Pathetic!

Unknown said...

theres just good people and bad people, it doesnt matter what color you are or where you were born. some people are basically brainwashed from a child to brainwashed into violent tendencies, thinking the world is against them. raised in vengeance.

alexaivoire said...

Let's not forget that the Iranian people are "living under the fear and oppression of a government who daily controls their lives" because America helped topple their democratically elected government and propped up the Shah who turned the country into a murderous police state -- all to protect British Petroleum's profits.

Elaine said...

I love this ! I have been to Egypt, Jordan and Bosnia. I found them all to be gracious people. I would love to visit Iran! It’s the government’s that are corrupt and the news media. Thank you so much for sharing this article and your compassion for the people of Iran.

I would love to visit Iran. Thank you so much for

Unknown said...

I've met many people from Iran over the last 30 years. They have been guests in my home. I introduced them to my children and they delighted in them.

Our family have traveled with my Iranian friends. When my mother who died of breast cancer at the young age of 55 in 1985, the best emotional support was given to me from an Iranian friend a dear friend, while my oldest American friends literally ran from me as I entered the room!

Without exception they are all kind, compassionate, caring people who also have great senses of humor.

I'm sick to death of the hateful untruths spread by fear mongering war mongering Americans, who do know nothing about Persia and the people.

I don't hate anyone based on where they are born, their race, their religion, too.

I'm very thankful to my mother who taught me the beauty and and worth of all human beings. I shared those lessons with my adult children who are middle aged and in turn they are teaching their children well.

I love the people FROM IRAN!!!

Shahdad said...

Hi, I am an Iranian who has been in this country for 43 years, I left Iran because of the Mullahs, last November, they executed 1500 men and women between the ages of 7 and 27 in a matter of 24 hrs, some of the bodies were dumped in the rivers, because the family had no money to pay and some of the bodies were sold to thier families for a very high price since they had money.

All were done by the order of Ayatollah Khameneie and executions were performed by the order of Soleimani.

It is so sad that Democrats are SUPPORTING the Murderers just for thier benefits, don't get me wrong, I hate Republicans also for helping Khomein to come to power 40 years ago.

Democrats and Republicans are the two sides of the same rotten card.

Anonymous said...

If so...Book your next vacation in Iran and make sure to wear a T-Shirt with the sentence "I'm a an American Citizen". I wonder how long you dould last. Good luck.

Jongas Photo said...

do you have any proof of what you just said in this comment?

Steven Robins said...
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GGK said...

Love them all like Jesus did. . .

Harold Thackston said...

I truly believe the people of Iran want peace, prosperity and freedom from their oppressive government.
Before The Shah was over thrown they lived very much like westerners and loved it
They fear those who control their country... I pray for their freedom and for them to gather the courage it will take to over throw their opressors

Unknown said...

Thats the wrong flag, That's the islamic flag. fuck it off

Anonymous said...

To suggests that the Democrats support the regime is ridiculous. Look at what has happened since the assassination. During his funeral 60 people died in a stampede, then nearly 200 more innocent Iranians, Canadians, Swedes, etc died in the attack/accident of Ukraine Flight 752. This could have escalated into full scale war, and still might. If there is a war how many people will die? hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's died in the Invasion of Iraq and aftermath. Thousands of Americans soldiers died, hundreds of coalition troops, trillions were spent and now because of the use of depleted uranium children are being born with flippers, stumps and other deformities at a rate never seen before on Earth. Trump and Pompeo want to claim this is about terrorism and oppressive regimes. But everyone knows there are some state sponsors of terrorism the American government loves (Saudi Arabia), and some that the American government hates (Iran(. Everyone knows there are some oppressive regimes that American wont say a thing about, and some they vilify at every opportunity. Further they just look at history. The states has a history of meddling in the affairs of other countries and making good/bad situations even worse. Say America carpet bombs Iran and the Mullahs are removed, who replaces them? Are you sure the next government won't be just as bad or worse?

Jim said...

I was lucky enough to visit Iran before the Ayatollah. Tehran was a beautiful city! People were friendly, open, and delightful. The students at the University were amazing! I have wept for what the Regime has done to the nation.

Unknown said...

Most Americans have no problem with Iranians.

Carole S said...

Not all Iranians are Muslim. Tens of thousands of Iranian/Americans fled Iran after the Revolution because they belonged to the Baha'i Faith, which is persecuted by the current regime.

Robert Campbell said...
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