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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Iranian rapper, Toomaj Salehi escapes the death penalty

 "Iranians are living somewhere horrific. You are dealing with a mafia that is prepared to kill an entire nation in order to keep its power, money, and weapons."

     Thirty-three-year-old, Iranian rapper, Toomaj Salehi, can breathe a sigh of relief. Iran's supreme court has overturned the death sentence, imposed on him back in April, after being charged with "corruption on earth," assistance in sedition, propaganda against the state, and calling for riots. Back in November of 2023, Toomaj had been temporarily released on bail but then was re-arrested two weeks later after producing a video describing his torture in prison.

     Toomaj's fiery lyrics have put him constantly on the "radar screen" of the Iranian government. He is unafraid to speak out and confront the corruption of the Islamic regime. His 2021 breakout hit, "Rat hole," gets in the face of the government, "Forced officer, forced executioner, one who just follows orders, go find a rat hole."

     Toomaj gained his celebrity status and worldwide following by speaking out and supporting the people of Iran during the violent 2022 "Woman, life, freedom" uprising, after the unjust death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was murdered in custody after being arrested on a Hijab violation, accused of showing too much hair. While in solitary confinement, Toomaj was brutally tortured by regime forces, who repeatedly hit him with electric batons and fists in the head, causing him to lose consciousness for 20 days. They also jumped on his stomach and ribs with their boots, breaking his fingers, ribs, and legs.

    My dear friend, Heather Joy, co-author of my book, "Uprising" We Are the Revolution," describes Toomaj in her article as a "truth teller, a voice that cannot be silenced." Heather believes, like I dothat Toomaj has a prophetic calling on his life, a strong leader with a compassionate heart. She describes him as a trailblazer forging a new path towards freedom for the people of Iran with his "in your face" rap lyrics!

    Heather and I meet every Sunday evening and spend up to two hours in prayer for the oppressed people in Iran. We had been storming the heavens in intercessory prayer that God would intervene and cancel his death sentence. This morning, we were overjoyed to discover that our faithful God had answered our prayers. Prior to news of Toomaj's death penalty being overturned, Canadian human rights activist, Nazanin Afshin-Jam, had been successful in persuading the House of Commons to sanction 31 regime officials in the judicial system, that were implicated directly in sentencing Toomaj. The international outrage and rallies in several cities, combined with artists like Sting and Coldplay, calling on the government to stop Toomaj's execution, have all played a significant role in putting pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

     As vitally important as all of the activism behind the scenes is, Heather and I know without a doubt, how the incredible power of prayer has shifted this desperate situation. The Bible declares in James 5:16, that "the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results," (NLT) What an encouraging promise from the Word of God that should motivate every Christian to engage in prayer regularly! The Bible portrays God as being sovereign over all of the evil actions and acts of sinful man. Daniel 2:20 (NLT) says, "He controls the course of world events."

     God is not finished with Toomaj. He has a plan for his life. He stepped in as the sovereign Lord of the universe and canceled his death sentence. While it's true, that Toomaj is certainly not out of the woods, yet one thing is for certain. The government tried but could not silence this truthteller's powerful voice!