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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Letters from Iran, "We are in a hopeless situation."



  "There is a desperate cry for help coming from the people of Iran. The oppressive Islamic Republic of Iran continues to arrest and torture women for Hijab violations. They continually execute protesters who believe in that seven-letter dirty little word called freedom. For those Iranians who remain silent and submissive to the government, they suffer from the pains of addiction, poverty, and joblessness. Iran has become a culture of death and despair since The Iranian Revolution of 1979 that sent the Shah and his family into exile.

 Recently, "Transform Iran," A Christian internet ministry dedicated to preaching the gospel, planting churches in Iran, and discipling believers, asked three house church leaders to describe for the world exactly what life is like in Iran. They agreed and shared with "Transform Iran" a series of voice notes, detailing and explaining the hopeless situation that Iranians face on a daily basis. The pain and anguish in their voices were almost unbearable to listen to. 

 I want to share a sample of their "Letters from Iran" and educate us on the pain and suffering of a people desperate for hope and freedom.



   One house church leader describes the situation in his own words:

  "The majority of people are depressed. This is no exaggeration. The opportunity to earn a living and make a life for yourself is gone."

  Poverty is great. It is everywhere and growing constantly. People are hungry and powerless to change their circumstances. Prostitution is alarmingly high. Real value and worth is fragile. Dignity is lost. There is no joy.

  You look at women and they don't look normal anymore. Those that can afford it have had so much plastic surgery, that it's devastating to see. They are pursuing external beauty to mask the emptiness inside.

  Another house church leader points out the three major problems among the youth:

  Poverty, addiction, and joblessness are the three major problems facing the youth in Iran.

  Poverty is turning people against each other. The extreme poverty is leading to crime. To numb all of the pain, people are turning to drugs and getting high to forget their troubles even if just for a moment. They have lost all hope.

 Our girls, our younger generation, are being lost to prostitution. They make choices that will harm them in the long run, all out of desperation to survive.

 Little children who should be getting an education are instead out in the streets selling flowers, washing car windshields, and polishing shoes.

  Depression among men is very high. It is like 90% of our men are bound in deep and hidden depression and many don't even know it.

 It is very bad. Iran needs a miracle!


  People ask us if God has turned away from Iran. "Where is God?" they ask us. We always encourage them that He still remains, and He is listening to our voices, to all of our cries for help.

  These voice notes that were translated into letters are heartbreaking. They reveal a deep hopelessness among Iranians. The Mullahs refuse to listen to their voices or give them any relief. The government has used all of the sanction relief money courtesy of the Biden administration, to further its terrorist activities through groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.

 However, God has not forsaken the people of Iran. He continues to bring believers to himself through dreams and visions of Jesus. Even though 50,000 mosques have closed their doors in Iran, God has been faithful to answer the cries of desperate Iranians. Iranians are abandoning Islam and embracing Christianity, becoming active members of the underground house churches.

  God hears the cries of aching and hopeless hearts. He is inviting them to come to the living waters of hope through Jesus Christ.

  Jesus is reaching out to Iranians with his arms of love declaring,

   "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

                                                          (Matthew 11:28 NLT)

   There is hope for Iranians. It is not in a new government or a strong charismatic leader promising utopia, but instead, it's in a living savior who cleanses us from all of our guilt and shame and makes everything new!