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Monday, January 6, 2025

Armita Abassi, "After two years of torture, I finally feel safe."


  Every Sunday night, I meet with my prayer partner and friend, Heather Joy. We spend two hours together online, praying for the people of Iran. It is our passion to be a voice for their hope and freedom through our faithful intercession.

  This past Sunday, before we began praying, I was suddenly impressed by The Holy Spirit to google the name of one of the rape victims that we had written about in our self-published book, "Uprising: We are the Revolution." Our book chronicled the final hours of young teenage Iranian female protesters who were tragically killed by security forces during the "Woman, life, freedom" protests in 2022.

  One of our stories was about a young Iranian girl named Armita Abassi, who gained worldwide attention after being raped by her interrogator while in custody.

  "Wow. This is incredible!"  I shouted to Heather. I  had just found an article from November 2024 published by Iran Wire featuring an interview with Armita Abassi in Munich Germany.

 "Armita is free. She's no longer in Iran" I shouted joyfully with tears in my eyes.

  Heather and I rejoiced that God had been faithful to answer our prayers. Not only had we written Amrita's story in our book, but we had consistently been praying for her scars to heal from the vicious rape attack that she endured while in custody. God had opened the door for Armita to finally escape from her "hell" in Iran.


 She is a rebel, a non-conformist. Like any other teenager living in Iran, she wants nothing to do with religion or politics. Amrita only wants freedom for her and all other oppressed women living in fear and bondage under a dictatorship government.

 In August of 2024, after tired of being harrassed and under surveillance by the government, Amrita is able to connect with "The Munich Circle" an organization residing in Germany that helps Iranian refugees migrate to freedom.

 On a cold November day in Munich, Armita sits down next to Aida Ghajar, a journalist for Iran Wire to tell her incredible story of rape and torture.

 Armita, now twenty years old, is much more relaxed today in her new home in Germany. She is dressed in a long-sleeved black sweater and short black skirt. She is very proud of her new hairstyle. Her once dirty blonde hair is now colored green and flowing freely without the required hijab that she was forced to wear in Iran.

  "Only now for the first time after two years of horror, do I finally feel safe," Armita says with a sigh of relief in her voice to her interviewer.

  However, there was a time when she was never safe. Amrita had always been a rebel, someone who refused to play by the rules. In Iran, she managed a very popular Instagram page with over 10,000 followers, speaking out for women's rights and posting about the protests. She was anxious to learn a skill and live independently so she became a tattoo artist.

  It was while Armita was living in the city of Karaj that she learned about the tragic murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022. She immediately realized that she could not be silent and that she had to make a stand.

  "I kept thinking. What is my role in all of this? A girl was killed right here. If they can kill her and say nothing, they'll kill us, too!"

  For the next month, Armita hit the streets and joined in the protests. She admits that her motivation for going out was not only Mahsa but also another young protester named Nika, who she looked up to as a courageous example. Nika was arrested by security forces, raped, tortured, and murdered while in custody. Her martyrdom caused Armita to join the "Woman, life, freedom" movement. She refused to let Nika's death be in vain.


 Unfortunately on October 11, 2022, a day that Armita wishes she could completely blot out of her mind, she was arrested and dragged into an interrogation center in Karaj. For the next grueling six days, she was beaten and then raped. Her apartment had been ransacked, her kittens abused by agents, causing their deaths, and Molotov cocktails were discovered among her other belongings. Armita explained to the interviewer that she had made the cocktails for other protesters to defend themselves.

 The interrogator conspired with the other security agents to go back to her apartment and place wicks in all of the cocktails, so that they were officially armed, and frame her being a dangerous leader in the protests. They also tricked Armita into revealing her password to her phone with the promise that she could call her mother, a promise that they never kept.

 It was while Armita was being tortured during the interrogations that someone leaked a report to CNN that protesters were being raped by security forces.

 The Interviewer carefully probes Armita with a very sensitive question, "Is this the same interrogator who raped you?"

 Armita becomes silent. She gets a terrified look in her eyes.

  "I prefer to only say that I fully confirm the report aired on CNN about the sexual assault. But I really don't want to talk about the details of it."

  Aida pauses and carefully ponders on what to ask Armita next.

  "Can you talk about how it affected you psychologically?"

  "I try to imagine that it never happened," Amrita replied, her voice cracking with emotion.

   Tears begin streaming down her face as she tries to suppress the horrifying images in her mind. She reaches for a glass of water to calm her nerves. The interview is put on hold for a few minutes.

 During her terrifying ordeal, agents were forced to take Amrita to a hospital because of profuse bleeding from her rectum. They disguised themselves and pretended to be her family and invented a fake story that she was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. However, the attending doctors suspected that she had been sexually abused. Amrita managed to get the attention of one of the nurses, giving her, her mother's phone number. Finally, after several weeks, her family finds out what happened to her.

 The hellish ordeal wasn't over yet. Armita spent several months in prison before finally being released in February 2023 back home to her parents.

  "Do you regret being involved with the protests?" The interviewer asks as she begins to wrap up the interview. 

  No, Not at all, " Armita proudly proclaims, "I believe in myself and who I am. I did what I had to do.  This was the goal of Woman, life, and freedom. To live without a bunch of dictators looming over us. And I truly hope that day comes when we can walk together in peace without worrying about what someone is wearing or their life choices."


 Armita is a very strong, very tough young lady. She is a true survivor who grew up very quickly under extreme circumstances. She doesn't know yet what work she wants to do in Munich but most importantly is grateful to be alive and free from the "hellhole" of Iran.

 Although Armita is physically free from the bondage and the dictatorship of Iran, inside she is still being held captive by the scars of rape and torture. 

 My prayer partner Heather, knows exactly what Armita is going through because she too is a victim of sexual abuse and is struggling yet today to become fully healed from the trauma of years ago.

 Armita needs our prayers. Even though she is a strong and independent person, the scars and the trauma she bears needs intensive healing that only God can give. God's Word promises hope and healing. Psalm 34:18 proclaims, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He saves those who are crushed in spirit."

 Armita, Heather, and I will continue faithfully praying for your complete healing. We hope one day that we can meet you and give you the biggest hug in the world!