Saturday, February 2, 2013

Worshiping God together without fear

"Come let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
For He is our God."
        (Psalm 95:6)

"Bless the Lord O my Soul. O my soul! Worship his holy name."
 This is the opening lyric of an incredible worship song and video by contemporary Christian artist Matt Redman. I also have this song on my ipod. I find it hard to stop listening to it. It stirs the emotions of my heart and causes me to lift my hands in adoration to our great God. I recently uploaded this video and put it on my Facebook page, anxious to share it with my friends. One of the first persons to "Like" this video was my friend in Iran. His name must remain anonymous because of security reasons. What my friend said next was the cause of a profound worship experience. I was on my smartphone and he was on his pc at home in Tehran.
My friend told me, "Randy, it is my dream to go to church with you without fear."
I cannot adequately describe in words the emotions I felt when he told me that.
I quickly texted him back and replied, "Dear brother. Do not be afraid. We can worship God right now together without fear." He agreed.
I told my friend, "Please watch that video again now. Raise you hands and heart with me. Your dream is going to come true right now. Even though we are miles apart we are together in spirit worshiping Jesus."
My friend clicked on and watched the video again. He told me it was beautiful.
I said to him, "Lift your voice and your heart in praise with me. Right now we are worshiping together without fear and no government in Iran can stop us!"
Why was my friend so afraid? In Iran, a Muslim is forbidden to change his religion. It could cost him his life! A few years ago, my friend converted to Christianity and now has to practice his Faith secretly.
However, the Word of God cannot be bound! God is not bound or restricted by governments!!
One unforgettable night after work, through the miracle of technology, My friend and I joined our hearts and spirits together in worship. God answered the prayer of my friend.
 For a few precious minutes, we worshiped together to an incredible song, "10,000 reasons," by Matt Redman. I can sing loudly with Matt, "Bless the Lord, O my soul. Worship His holy name."
It is a night that I will never forget!

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