Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Please don't deport me!"

It is my pleasure to once again feature another powerful blog from my dear Iranian friend Paymaneh.
Paymaneh is an Iranian Christian refugee and activist, living in Malaysia. She understands well the plight of Iranian refugees who are struggling to survive in exile, while patiently waiting for a visa and passport to a new homeland.
If you ask any Iranian they will tell you in tears, "I should never have to look for freedom anywhere else...I love my country!"
Paymaneh's new  blog is a very personal and emotional plea to the immigration board for residencey. Being deported back to Iran will result in almost certain death!

I am writing to you, to you who have the power, to you who have the authority, to you who use your authority to support your nation. To you who keep your country as peaceful as possible.

I am writing to you, to you who think that I am like my government. To you who think that I am a terrorist, to you who think I want to wipe out civilization, and destroy it instead of improving it and bringing beauty, happiness and welfare to the world.....

I am writing to you, to plead with you, to try and convince you, "I don't like the Iranian government! I am not like my government!"  
"Iran" doesn't exist anymore! There is only a piece of land that is left, covered by the blood of Mullahs.....

I am writing to you, who makes the decision whether to allow me to remain in your country or not, to you who can change my life by writing a short statement, to you who can send me back to Iran, into the hands of Mullahs, to be jailed, executed or to rot in prison cell for the rest of my life.....

I am writing to you, I am not an impostor!~ I'm not trying to "Islamisize" the world, even though I cannot prove that to you....I am not like the terrorist in Sydney..I'm not even a Muslim..Instead, I'm a child of the king, a Christian.....I have a burden to "gospelize" the world, by spirit, by love, by kindness..not by war..not by force...I don't want to "Islamisize" the world.. I'm a Persian, an Iranian, the descendant of Cyrus the Great..The king who wrote the "first charter of human rights"
 over 2,000 years before Mohammed..

You can send me back, supposing I will be safe, but I will be killed! Every single gospel preacher who loses their life or is kept in jail, the opportunity of thousands of people's salvation is lost because of that! Every single Bible that would be translated is stopped, the opportunity for millions of people to read the good news, is lost because they are rotting in prison!

You can send me back, but I am more than just an individual....I am my nation..I am Iran... 
I am tired, hopeless, hungry, thirsty, desperately searching for the truth......
You can send me back, dead or alive...But I have eternal life and my nation desperately need this life, too!

                                                About the author.....(Paymaneh Sabet)

I am an Iranian lecturer, a teacher, and a translator. But previously, I also wrote for journals. I love writing and making short films. I love to write about romance, love stories and the greatest love story between God and His people. It is also my duty to use my gifts and talents to stand up against the dictatorship in Iran and cry out for their freedom. I want to do my best to reach them with the gospel, inspite of the barriers and limitations. I want the world to know about the true Iranian...to know their faces and the human rights atrocities they have suffered with for the past 36 years.
My biggest dream is that Iranians will know the truth and turn their hearts to Christ for true salvation, freedom and happiness.